International Comet Quarterly

Sixth International Workshop on
Cometary Astronomy

Date: 2017 August 23

Venue: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

In the planning (and posted here) for decades, an international meeting on cometary astronomy will be held in Saint Louis, Missouri, on 2017 August 23 (Wednesday), two days after the total solar eclipse that will be visible nearby. The meeting will be co-sponsored by the ICQ and by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University, and the meeting will be held on the Washington University campus.

We aim to have a good slate of speakers from both the professional and amateur community, as is the goal for the IWCA series. Potential speakers are encouraged to contact Dan Green as soon as possible with proposed talk title and abstract. Planned presenters/speakers: Joe Marcus, Dan Green, Carl Hergenrother, William McKinnon, P. Clay Sherrod, Syuichi Nakano, Maik Meyer, Zdenek Sekanina, Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, Erika Gibb.

Also, if you are interested in attending this meeting, please let us know via email (icqcsc at

It is anticipated that the formal meeting will be held in Rudolph Hall 203 at the university during 9:00 am-5:00 pm on August 23, with informal meetings on the evenings of August 22 and 23 in the area of Washington University. Every effort will be made to keep registration costs low ($25 or less -- probably zero).

Here is a map showing the location of Washington University with respect to the greater St. Louis area (the St. Louis airport is at upper left, and the University is at left center in this view).

Here is a link to an interactive Google map of the University and surrounding area.

Location of the meeting (Rudolph Hall on the main Danforth Campus) at Washington University in St. Louis, on a campus map.

A map depicting a larger view of the campus is given here (Rudolph Hall is building number 104).

Here is a better link to a scalable pdf map of the Washington University Danforth campus.

Parking instructions: 1) Take Throop Drive off of Forest Park Parkway to the Millbrook Parking Garage (number 85 on the scalable pdf map); use its West entrance, as the South entrances will be closed by construction; 2) Park on the 4th level, where visitor parking has been assigned; 3) Walk across Throop Drive to the Knight Executive Education and Conference Center (number 55 on the map), where a day parking permit can be purchased at the main desk for $6; 4) Walk back to parking garage and place permit in car; 5) Walk east to the IWCA VI venue in Scott Rudolph Hall (number 95 on the map).

Hotels near the meeting venue:

Sheraton. West of campus in the nearby suburb of Clayton, it is 3 blocks from the Clayton Metrolink station. Take the eastbound train to W.U. to the Skinker station

Clayton Plaza Hotel. Also west of campus in Clayton, it is 5 blocks from the Clayton Metrolink station. Take the eastbound train to W.U. to the Skinker station

The Parkway Hotel. East of campus and in the sprawling W.U. medical center on the other side of Forest Park near the. Take westbound train to W.U. from the Central West End station.

*Metrolink website.* This gives current time schedules for the Metrolink light rail stations mentioned above.

[updated 2017 August 16]

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